I finally decided to learn Tailwind-CSS

by Brett Cornick

Week 10 of post series, "My Favorite Thing I Learned Last Week"

The title is pretty much the whole post. I had been putting off learning Tailwind-CSS for far too long. I was happy with my life in the world of Sass and CSS pre-processors. But, with the new upgrades to CSS (most importantly the addition of nesting), there has been talk that Sass is no longer as helpful as it once was.

Despite that, Tailwind is as prevalent and popular as ever. So I finally gave in last week and took a Udemy Tailwind course. This week I'm working on a couple of portfolio sites built in NextJS, Typescript, and Tailwind. It's clear to me now why this tool stack is so popular in modern web development.

In fact, the site you're reading this on was my first Tailwind project!

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