Development Project - An impactful digital avatar platform

Counterparts represent a new type of digital status symbol - an evolving virtual twin of one's contributions towards humanity, for use across the metaverse.

Completed for
Focus area
3D design


As our interactions become increasingly digital, the way that we present our virtual selves becomes ever more important. With Counterparts, actions in the real world bring to life a dynamic digital companion — an evolving, interactive being that mirrors your real-world impact. As you engage in meaningful philanthropic work, your avatar flourishes, showcasing your contributions in a tangible way, across your favorite virtual platforms.

How does it work? Each act of kindness or significant contribution you make in the real world translates into growth and evolution for your digital avatar. Whether it's volunteering at local shelters, participating in environmental clean-ups, or donating to charitable causes, every good deed you perform is reflected in your avatar's development. Good deeds and impact are verified using a public blockchain, and awards are then distributed as tokenized 3D assets.

As your real-world impact grows, so does the range of accessories and special features your avatar can earn. These aren't just aesthetic upgrades; they are badges of honor, symbols of your commitment to making the world a better place. Each accessory tells a story, representing different areas of philanthropy and social good.

Counterparts offers a unique blend of digital interaction and real-world activism. It's designed to motivate and reward those who are dedicated to positive change, providing a novel and engaging way to track and celebrate your philanthropic journey. As you watch your avatar transform and evolve, you'll have a constant, inspiring reminder of the difference you're making in the world.

How did I contribute? So far, Counterparts is a one-person project. In my work to bring it to life I built 3 separate web pages, created all 3D avatar models, and built a demo avatar creator.

Where is the project today? Counterparts is an ongoing passion project of mine. Though I've had to place it on the backburner while I pursue my PhD, I'd love to collaborate and further develop the idea with anyone interested. If you'd like to contribute, please reach out.

Check it out for yourself: Counterparts Avatars

Tools used

  • Spline 3D
  • Figma
  • NextJS
  • Typescript
  • DALL-E
avatar models created
websites built
person team

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